The Return of Sunday Links

It’s been a very long time since I last posted Sunday Links, so here are a bunch of links to things I found on the intertubes that made me laugh, think, and otherwise engage in the world around me. Enjoy!

I like a good food/recipe blog as much as the next person. I also really enjoy summer fruit. This post by Butter, with a side of Bread has a compilation post of summer fruity recipes. Check them out here!

OK Go has a great music video–of course!–for their song “The Writing’s On the Wall.” You should definitely watch it. 🙂

I love cats, and I wish that our apartment was large enough to accommodate more things for our two felines. Things like this creative kitty home made out of sturdy shelving!

When you’re writing, do you ever have questions about how to create a believable character? Maybe you’re writing about someone who has a completely different background than you, and you have no idea what it would be like to be an alien robot queen from Alpha Centauri. Or maybe you want to make sure you have accurate relationship dynamics or you want to avoid tropes in fiction or…whatever. Over on Tumblr, you can follow The Writing Cafe and get access to a ton of information on pretty much anything and everything that has to do with writing.

“We don’t see things as they are,we see them as we are.” Anaïs Nin

I came across that^ quote, which resonated with me.

Share your own finds from the week in the comments below!

Day 16: What are your views on mainstream music?

As opposed to indie music? Or just pop music in general? If you read my earlier post on my music shuffle, you’ll already know that I have fairly eclectic tastes in music. I will happily listen to opera, reggae, punk, disco, country, instrumental, and hip hop music all in one day. Maybe it’s how I was raised. Both of my parents are musical–vocally and instrumentally–and we listened to a variety of music in our household. Continue reading

Day 11: Put your ipod on shuffle. Write down the first 10 songs.

I do not have an ipod, so we’re going with my Google Music. Alternately, let’s pretend that these are the songs that would play in a movie of my life during the imminent zombie apocalypse. I’ll link to youtube if I can so that if you’re unfamiliar with the songs, you can get a feel for them. Continue reading

Sunday Links

Apparently, I meant to post a link to this article about your treasure being where your heart is back in August, but it isn’t what I would consider time sensitive. John Scalzi is a science fiction author who is well beloved in the Nerd Kingdom. I discovered him through an article he wrote awhile back that compared being a straight white male to playing on the lowest difficulty setting on a video game. (That one is Continue reading

A Truth Universally Acknowledged

One of the blogs I recently started following posted a link to the following video, and I have to say, it was a very enjoyable way to spend my Friday night. It’s an hour and a half video about a recreation of the famous Netherfield ball in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Some of the history and customs are ones with which I was already familiar from various literature classes, but other points were new. Furthermore, I rather enjoyed seeing the details of the Regency Period come to life. Enjoy!