Sunday Links

Linking you up for the day!

There is a lot of talk about organic, all natural, whole foods. A LOT. And I hear the arguments and can’t argue with them, but…there’s still something about the movement that gets under my skin. Continue reading

Trayvon Martin

image by Brian Blanco/European Pressphoto Agency, via The New York Times

Today’s Sunday Links will be all about the fallout that occurred following George Zimmerman shooting and killing Trayvon Martin last year. The jury acquitted Zimmerman on July 13, 2013, a year and a half later. Below, you’ll find links to various news articles, videos of the trial, etc. Continue reading

A Prayer for Artists

I visited an Anglican church for the first time on Sunday. Having grown up in a charismatic, evangelical household, it was a very different experience than what I am used to, but I thoroughly enjoyed the liturgy. There is so much beauty in traditions that we easily forego in favor of “contemporary” services. However, that’s not what I wanted to write about today, specifically. Rather, I want to share a prayer that we read as a congregation, a prayer for artists. I am not sure who originally penned it, and I copied the text directly from the communique, including punctuation, although I added a few Oxford commas because I couldn’t help myself. Continue reading

Mysterious Joy


They live in a mystery, these people live in a mystery.

It’s joy that holds them up.

That was what mattered. It was joy that held them up, no matter if the wings grew out of their backs or were somehow held on with buckles and clamps.

Stephen King, The Talisman Continue reading


Sunshine and cigarettes and the sound and smell of the surf as it skirts the shore. Hot and heavy with humidity, the ocean air is tangy on my tongue and sticky on my skin. The breeze causes a skeletal  rattle from the coconut tree fronds above me, and I absent-mindedly pick up a fallen baby coconut from the sand, rolling the still green fruit in the palm of my hand. Pausing to examine the smooth green exocarp, I imagine I can see a cartoon lion’s face in the natural patterns and smile lazily in amusement. Continue reading